Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am not going to sugar coat it. When you said we are starting a blog, I thought that meant I had to start getting Starbucks every morning and smoking Camels. When I think of blogging I picture writers with black rimmed glasses, sitting in Internet cafe's, typing away at their laptops in New York, and then I start to think "ughhhh". Yet this experience has changed me. Not in some" Oh my God the earth is ROUND!!!!" type change, rather in a minute sort of way that has opened me up to another wonderful attribute of technology in today's world. To be able to make these posts without having to grab a #2 pencil and a sheet of boring lined paper, gives me just a little more comfort in knowing that I will be able to type this stuff out and publish it instead of shoving it in my notebook and trying to not forget it before class. For future teaching reference, I do not know if I will be using this exact blog for show, but I do know that since it is soooo easy, I will be using a classroom blog of sorts. To be able to post activities that the class has done throughout the week and maybe homework that will be due. it will be so nice to pop in the blog update assignments for the week, maybe posts some picture's of what our class has been up to will really open the classroom up to the parents. So after careful deliberation I guess blogging isn't as bad as i thought it would be.

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