Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's Perfectly Normal

Well this book is helpful in explaining the body and sexual changes that occur throughout young age into adult hood. There are some pictures that will get a chuckle.... and I'm sure roaring laughter from children, but I would not read this to a class. It has pretty detailed pictures, not of actual sex organs, but cartoon drawings of sex organs. At first glance you might think that this book could help explain puberty to a young adult, but it kind of just dives right into sex. This book is actually kind of comical as I read through, a picture of a kid with a "boner", they actually call it that in the book, during class, that got a laugh out of me. They talk about male wet dreams and how your sheets get dirty, but its OK according to the book that just "means that washing machines are busy during puberty".....too funny.....well all in all I could see this book being controversial. Definitely up tight parents would not be reading this to their kids, while parents who allow their kids to "express themselves" will probably give it a thumbs up. I will mention that they do use scientific terms throughout the whole book and there are some great notes and details, but I would not recommend this for a classroom, but definitely to parents who are OK with this detailed of information.

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