Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Caverns of Time

"Do you go down the dark path.....turn to page 45" or "Do you turn back and head to the mansion......turn to page 76"

Many of us may recognize the similarty of the first sentence. They make us choose. Which brings me to what I remember as the ultimate "FUN" book when I was younger was the classic genre "Choose Your Own Adventure" or CYOA for short. These classic's really allowed for a more interactive style of reading, granted you would alway's save your last page with your pinkie in case of an errant misfortune on page 45 or 76, but that is what made these books enjoyable. I went to a Half Priced bookstore recently and was aware of the lack of CYOA books for sale. After asking the salesperson, I was shocked to be told that these books are actually still very popular and can be difficult to obtain. And why not, they are AWESOME. Hope this brought back a little bit of your excitement from when you used to turn the page.

Here is a link of choose your own adventure books that never made it to print (CAUTION: some of these were inappropriate and are very tastless!!)

1 comment:

  1. These kind of books used to be my favorite!!! I used to read them all the time when I was younger! I used to read each and every different ending!
