Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mississippi Morning could kind of see this coming, but didn't want to believe it. Great story about a white boy growing up in 1933 Mississippi where racism runs deep. James hears from a "colored" friend of his LeRoy about a hanging tree, and he hears about the Klan (KKK) from his white friend Red. He asks his father about it and his Dad says they should be minding his own business. You kind of feel the tension start mounting in the story when James asks his dad about the Klan, and that's when you think "wellllll.....mayyybbe his couldn't be" then the last page. I don't really want to write anything more about it because it's kind of like an episode of a T.V. show where they leave a huge cliffhanger and you're all like "WHATT!"...sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I just really think you should check this book out on your own...Great story! Definitely my favorite book I have read so far.

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