Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Year of Impossible Goodbyes

WoW.....well let me start by saying if your attention span is no longer then the sentence I am writing now you may want to skip the first 10 chapters and get straight to the good stuff. The Year of Impossible Action...err ...Goodbyes was an extremely slooowww book to start off with. that's not to say the the ending really took off and made up for chapters 1-9 or whatever one it started getting good at, but my goodness it was a tough read. I am definitely the type of reader who needs constant stimulus while reading so I knew this book might not be right from me off the bat, but one can still hope. The whole premise and setting was excellent, don't really understand why it was controversial, I guess because someone got peed on? If this is the case then boy has controversy changed over the years, if you wait long enough I'm sure you will see controversy in the Ped mall at some point throughout the night in Iowa City then, maybe even an after hours. Anyway, The ending did make up for the slow start, I compare this book to a roller coaster, going up the hill is slow and boring, but once your off running you feel exhilarated, just like the last couple chapters.

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