Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Wierd Thing's in Nanna's house

Did you ever get the feeling that when you went to Grandma and Grandpa (or as I called the m Nonnie and Papa) house that you were stepping back in time and seeing things that you had no idea of what they were or why someone would even have them? I would. I remember my Nonnie having tons of little trinkets and carvings of animals all around her house and wondering to myself "Where in the world did she get this?" This story brings me back to those days. From the elaborate toilet paper doll cover to the plastic fruit in bowls I can completely relate to The Wierd Things in Nanna's House. The one that really sticks out to me is the doll which covers toilet paper. i laugh to myself even today about it because now my mom, who is Nonnie to my niece and nephew's has one on the back of her toilet. it's not the exact same but it looks eerily similar.

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